Using only one hand?
I have noticed this year that very curiously many young students are doing maths with one hand on the side of their seat while the other...
Question creators could improve on the context of numeracy assessment questions
My first comment is that I agree that calculators should be allowed for this assessment as calculators are generally used in all settings...

Teachers' capability to teach maths a concern - ERO
These comments are in reference to the following interview on RNZ on 6 July 2021 https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/aud...

Learning Maths is Multi-faceted
This year's TIMSS international maths assessment results for 9 and 13 year old students shows a decline in NZ children's mathematics...

What do "Online Sessions" look like at The Maths Room NZ?
When The Maths Room NZ went online it was a very important aspect of the business to maintain the coaching, mentoring style and the...
Careers with Maths
What well paid careers involve maths? Check out this Careers with STEM magazine. It is Australian based but very relevant for our New...

Is your child taking the 'right' maths?
Many parents don't realise that there is more than one option when it comes to high school maths. Last week a parent said to me, "If...
Complex Numbers on the Graphics Calculators
Level 3 - NCEA - Complex Numbers - You have to show your working on your exam paper but here is how you can quickly check your answer...

Everything is easy when you know how!
Sometimes students who have been struggling to "grasp a maths concept" suddenly say with a laugh, "Oh that's actually quite easy". I...